Even though no clear answer exists for why the stories have been removed or updated, there’s always the assumption that Buckingham Palace pulls strings behind the scenes to control what kind of information is out there. Legal representatives for both Prince William and Rose have continued to deny all rumors of the alleged affair but have declined to provide any specific public statements about the information that has been deleted or edited post-publication.

Broken links from deleted stories still exist.
Although Vulture was unable to link to any of the mentioned deleted stories for legal reasons, they did report that broken links to the stories still exist in each publication and on the outlets’ social media accounts. Out of all of the news sites, the Guardian was the only one that responded to Vulture’s request for comment.
So where did the stories go?
Even though no clear answer exists for why the stories have been removed or updated, there’s always the assumption that Buckingham Palace pulls strings behind the scenes to control what kind of information is out there. Legal representatives for both Prince William and Rose have continued to deny all rumors of the alleged affair but have declined to provide any specific public statements about the information that has been deleted or edited post-publication.