NEWS. Woman suffers worrying side effects after breaking rawdogging virginity on flight

In the quest for unique travel experiences, a peculiar trend known as “raw dogging” has emerged. This trend involves embarking on long flights without any form of entertainment or distraction, including headphones, movies, books, or even snacks. While experts suggest men are more drawn to this trend, one British woman, Alabama Jackson, decided to test the waters on her flight back from Mykonos to Gatwick, with some unforeseen consequences.

Embracing the Raw Dogging Challenge

Image Credits: Tyla

According to, Jackson initially approached the challenge with a sense of adventure, believing she would “be able to flaunt her status as a legend for years to come.” However, her optimism quickly waned as the flight progressed. “I felt my mind begin to crack, my mood begins to shift and my dignity begins to evaporate,” she shared.

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The Mental and Physical Toll

Raw dogging flights
Image Credits: Tyla

As the hours ticked by, Jackson found herself grappling with existential thoughts and a growing sense of discomfort. “By my second raw-dogging hour it was excruciating,” she admitted. The lack of distractions amplified her discomfort, leading to physical ailments. “Tinnitus still raging through my brain, other symptoms began to afflict me. I developed a major stomach ache – though this could have just been a combination of thirst or hunger seeing as both water and food were off limits,” she recounted.

The Unexplained Rage After Raw Dogging A Flight

Raw dogging
Image Credits: Tyla

Perhaps the most surprising side effect of Jackson’s raw dogging experiment was an overwhelming sense of anger. “The worst symptom, however, was pure inexplicable rage. I was furious at every single person who had the audacity to catch my eye, to walk past me, or even to simply exist,” she confessed. This unexpected emotional response added another layer of complexity to her already challenging experience.

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The Aftermath: Lingering Effects

Image Credits: Tyla

Upon landing, Jackson was left feeling “tired, hungry, and angry.” While the physical symptoms gradually subsided, her emotional state remained affected. “Nothing could be done to fix her mood,” she explained. The lingering anger left her questioning her decision to partake in the trend and the motivations behind it. “Why on EARTH did I just do that? The fury was by far the worst part of the entire experience, and the hardest symptom to shake off,” she lamented.

A Lesson Learned: The Price of Attention?

Image Credits: Tyla

Reflecting on her ordeal, Jackson concluded that the attention-seeking aspect of raw-dogging might be its primary appeal. However, she emphasized that the experience was not worth the temporary recognition. “I can tell you that no attention for completing the task made it worth it,” she asserted. Her story serves as a cautionary tale for those considering embarking on a raw-dogging adventure, highlighting the potential for unexpected and unpleasant consequences.

Read More: ‘Raw Dogging’ Flights: New Travel Trend Has People Confused

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