‘Cheaters’ Replaces Host Joey Greco with Clark Gable

Clark Gable III – the grandson of the late legendary film star Clark Gable – will be taking over the hosting duties of the popular reality show, Cheaters. The 23-year-old budding actor will be replacing the much-loved Joey Greco, who has hosted the show for 10 years. In a somewhat ironic twist – much like the people Greco catches cheating  – he too is being replaced by a younger model, as the show’s creator, Bobby Goldstein, felt “it was time to freshen up the show with a new host.”

For those who don’t know: Cheaters focuses on real-life jilted lovers hiring the show to settle their nagging suspicions of about their cheating partners. After the infidelity is confirmed via hidden cameras – it moves on to the confrontation phase, which inevitably leads to some Jerry Springer-style fighting.

As many fans of the guilty pleasure series remember, back in 2003 Greco was famously stab when a confrontation on a boat went horribly wrong. Many criticized the show, calling the incident a cheap stunt (a clip of the incident will be posted below, so you be the judge) – but it seems real enough to have new host Gable somewhat nervous about his new gig:

“I do have some minor concerns about this. But I feel it’s what I want to do and I can’t live life in fear. I just take everything one day at a time. I can’t say I’m not afraid. I am thrown into these environments. What I’m doing is dangerous. When you get people who are cheating on each other it gets very, very heated in some of the arguments. I’m learning slowly. I’m no Joey Greco but I do the best I can.”

Clark Gable Is the New Host of 'Cheaters'

Former host Joey Greco

Like Greco, Gable is also no stranger to a stabbing: Back in August 2009, the then 19-year-old Gable was stabbed three times in the rib cage following a fight at a LA house party, and had to be airlifted to UCLA Medical Center with a collapsed lung. Gable also made headlines when he was convicted earlier this year for felony discharge of a laser (yeah, it’s a real thing). In January, Gable was arrested for pointing a green laser at a Los Angeles police helicopter as it flew 800 feet over Hollywood. Gable was sentenced to 10 days in jail and three years of probation. Despite the wannabe bad boy image, Gable admits that at first he was a bit out of his element with Cheaters, saying:

“I didn’t realize what I was getting into. It’s very serious. These people are throwing real punches. It’s not fake. They’re really hitting each other hard. This is a very sensitive subject. It’s love. When they cheat on each other and get caught dead to rights, there is no explanation they can give, so what comes out is anger. I’m learning a lot about myself and about the show and about human behavior.  It’s pretty unbelievable.”

Not going to lie – It will be sad to see Greco go from the show. His calm and cool confrontation style is what made you both love him and want to punch him in the face. In spite of being a fan-favorite, the truth is people tune in to Cheaters to watch people fight and act foolish – not for Greco’s winning smile.

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