Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sparked outrage online over her response to the second attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life in as many months.

“There never is a place for political violence of any kind in America. As the investigation into today’s incident continues, let us commend law enforcement for their actions to keep the former President safe from harm,” she wrote.

Online users and supporters of the former president immediately pounced, with most of them blaming her and fellow Democrats for using violent rhetoric against Trump, accusing him of being a “threat to democracy” and “dangerous” to the country.

“Nancy, you and the democrats are responsible for this. Your obstruction during J6, your constant attacks against Trump, etc. Hypocrites,” Valentina Gomez, a former GOP candidate for Missouri secretary of state, wrote, adding: “This wasn’t an incident, this was an assassination attempt.”

“What a Democrat did to Trump today was 100x worse than anything any Trump supporter did on January 6th. Yet you call J6 the worst day in American history and today’s assassination attempt an ‘incident’ – Resign,” conservative podcaster Benny Johnson wrote.

“You tore a President’s speech [sic] up during his State of the Union speech live for the world to see. You are a large part of the violence against Trump,” another user wrote.

“Same cookie cutter BS. Stop acting like you give a sh*t,” another said.

“It [was] an ass*ss*nation attempt. Shame on Nancy Pelosi for trying to minimize it,” said another.

One more wrote: “You are a pathetic human scum! You don’t give a damn and you and your cult party are the ones inciting this violence every single day!!”